macro хийх заавар:
~ Үүний тулд та WOW руугаа ороод Game Menu эсвэл [Esc]-ээ дарж Macros цэс рүү ороорой!
~New гэсэн үгэн дээр дарж Enter Macro name ээ өөрийн хүссэн Нэрээр нэрлэж өөрийн хүссэн зургаа сонгоорой!
Subtlety talent тай Rogue ийн Macro нууд:
1. PvP Opener
Энэ Макро нь дайснаа stunned байхад нь өндөр damage үзүүлхэд хэрэглэдэг
/castsequence reset=30 Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Eviscerate(Rank 11), Dismantle, Shadow Dance, Shadowstep, Ambush(Rank 9), Ambush(Rank 9), Kidney Shot(Rank 2)
Яг энэ заавраа дагаад доорхи macro-уудаа хийгээрэй
2. Backstabber
Энэ Макро нь stun-даж хурдан хугцаанд 6000 damage дайсандаа үзүүлдэг
/castsequence reset=20 Gouge, Shadowstep, Backstab(Rank 11), Hemorrhage(Rank 4), Kidney Shot(Rank 2)
3. Anti-Caster
Хурдан хугцаанд өндөр damage үзүүлдэг Healer үүдийн эсрэг тохиромжтой macro
/castsequence reset=20 Gouge, Shadowstep, Kick, Backstab(Rank 11), Hemorrhage(Rank 4), Eviscerate(Rank 11)
4. Super Prep
Төгс PvP Macro
#showtooltip Preparation
/cast [nostealth] Evasion
/cast [nocombat] Vanish
/cast Cold Blood
/cast Sprint
/cast Preparation
5. Swap Dagger + Ambush
Dagger биш өөр weapon той stealth mode нд байхдаа Ambush хэрэглэх macro
/equip [Daggerийнхаа нэрийг энэ зайнд бич]
/cast ambush
/equip [Өндөр damage тэй dagger aa барxиас өмнө бариж байсан weapon-ийхоо нэрийг энд бич]
Poison oo шууд weapon дээрээ дарах Macro
1. #showtooltip
/use Instant Poison IX
/use 16
/use Deadly Poison IX
/use 17
~Trick of the Trade ээ tank дээрээ дараад target алдахгүйгээр хэрэглэх хуучны macro.
#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=Focus] Tricks of the Trade
#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=targettarget] Tricks of the Trade
3. Multipurpose Hemorrhage/Kick/Shiv- Ta Alt аа дарж kick хэрэглэж Shift дарж Shiv хэрэглэнэ
#showtooltip Hemorrhage
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/cast [modifier:alt] Kick
/cast [modifier:shift] Shiv
/cast Hemorrhage
/stopmacro [help] [noexists]
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
~Stealth, Cloak of Shadows and Vanish
/castsequence [combat] reset=60 Cloak of Shadows, Vanish; Stealth
~Vanish and Shadowstep and Cloak of Shadows
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Shadowstep
/cast [modifier:alt] Cloak of Shadows
/cast vanish
~Dismount and stealth
#show 16
/script PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupInventoryItem(17);
/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot; Kidney Shot
/cast Sprint
/cast Evasion
~ Hэг дайсангаас зугтах macro
/cast Gouge
/cast Sprint
/cast Evasion
~Herbalist бол амиа нөхөнгөө зугтаах macro
/cast Gouge
/cast Sprint
/cast Evasion
/cast Lifeblood
~Зэвсэг солих macro
/cast Gouge
/equipslot 16 <dagger>
/equipslot 17 <dagger>
/cast Backstab
/equipslot 16 <sword or mace or fist weapon>
/equipslot 17 <sword or mace or fist weapon>
/cast Sinister Strike
/equipslot 16 <sword or mace or fist weapon>
/equipslot 17 <sword or mace or fist weapon>
~Boss Bleeder Macro
/castsequence Premeditation, Shadowstep, Preparation, Premeditation, Garrote, Shadowstep, Rupture
~Kick or Arcane Torrent Macro
/castsequence reset=10 Kick, Arcane Torrent
~Sap Macro
Адилхан rogue -ийн эсрэг байдаж байхдаа хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой macro
#showtooltip Sap
/console targetNearestDistance 10.000000
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000
/cast [harm,nodead] Sap
~Sap + Blind in Dungeons
#showtooltip [target=focus,harm] [] Sap
/clearfocus [modifier:shift][target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast Sap
#showtooltip [target=focus,harm] [] Blind
/clearfocus [modifier:shift][target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Blind
#showtooltip [target=focus,harm] [] Blind
/clearfocus [modifier:shift][target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Blind
Paladin Macros
~Main Macro to spam
/castsequence [mod:alt] Hammer of the Righteous; reset=3 Hammer of the Righteous, Judgement, Hammer of the Righteous, Avenger's Shield, Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of the Righteous
~Secondary 'Filler' Macro if Avenger's Shield is on Cool Down
#showtooltip /startattack /castsequence [mod:alt] Holy Wrath; reset=15 Holy Wrath, Hammer of the Righteous, Consecration
/castsequence reset=3 Hammer of the Righteous, Holy Wrath, Hammer of the Righteous, Judgement, Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of the Righteous, Hammer of the Righteous, Word of Glory, Judgement
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
~Rotation Macro
/castsequence reset=10/ctrl Sacred Shield, Divine Storm, Judgement of Light, Crusader Strike, Exorcism, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Judgement of Wisdom, Divine Storm, Crusader Strike, flash of light, Consecration, Judgement of Light, Crusader Strike
Retribution Macros
~General attack macros
#showtooltip Crusader Strike
/cast Crusader Strike
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
~Hand of Reckoning / Exorcism solo
/cast [raid][group][combat] Exorcism; Hand of Reckoning
~Seal Swap
/cast [button:1] Seal of Corruption; [button:2] Seal of Command
/equip [button:1] Libram of valiance; [button:2] Deadly Gladiator's libram of Fortitude
~Assist Macro
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/assist focus
/cast Exorcism
/Script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/focus [mod:shift]
/target [mod:alt] MyTank
/focus [mod:alt]
~Booch's Macro
#showtooltip Crusader Strike
/cleartarget [dead]
/assist focus [noexists][help]
/script if IsSpellInRange("Exorcism","target")==0 then ClearTarget()end
/targetenemy [noexists][help][dead]
/cast Crusader Strike
/Script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
~ Automatic Judgements of the Pure
#showtooltip Judgement of Light
/cast Judgement of LIght
~Alternative Auto Judgements of the Pure
/use [@focustarget,exists,nodead]Judgement of Light;Judgement of Light
~Holy Shock + Divine Favor
#showtooltip Holy Shock
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use Divine Favor
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast Holy Shock
~Mouseover Healing
/use [@mouseover,exists,nodead,help]Holy Light;Holy Light
~Key Modifier PvP healing Macros
/cast [nomod]Holy light;
[mod;ctrl,target=Party1]Holy Light;
[mod;shift,target=Party2]Holy Light;
Protection Macros
~High Threat Low Mana All in 1 Macro
/castsequence [mod:alt] Consecration; reset=5 Consecration, Hammer of the Righteous, Holy Shield, Judgement of Wisdom, Shield of Righteousness
~Raid Saver Macro
#showtooltip Divine Sacrifice
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use 13
/use 14
/use Divine Protection
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/use Divine Sacrifice
Shaman macros
Enhancement Macros
~Failsafe Autoattacking
/cast Stormstrike
/startattack [harm]
/cast Stormstrike
/startattack [harm]
~Shamanistic Rage and Trinket ![Edit href=]()
/use (trinket that you have equipped) ex. Platinum Disks of Battle
/cast Shamanistic Rage
/cast Shamanistic Rage
~Easy Shields
/cast [nomodifier] Lightning Shield; [modifier:shift] Water Shield;
/cast [group:party/raid] [mod:shift] Water Shield; [] Lightning Shield;
/cast [group:party/raid] [mod:shift] Water Shield; [] Lightning Shield;
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=5 Windfury Weapon, Flametongue Weapon; /castsequence reset=5 16, 17;
/cast Windfury Weapon
/use 16
/cast Windfury Weapon
/use 16
#showtooltip /cast Flametongue Weapon /use 17for off-hand
/cast [button:1] Windfury Weapon
/use 16
/cast [button:2] Flametongue Weapon
/use 17
Earth Shock, Lava Lash macro:
/cast [button:2][modifier:shift] Flame Shock
/castsequence reset=6\target Earth Shock, Lava Lash, Earth Shock, Lava Lash, Lightning Shield, Earth Shock, Lava Lash
/cast [button:2][modifier:shift] Flame Shock
/castsequence reset=6\target Earth Shock, Lava Lash, Earth Shock, Lava Lash, Lightning Shield, Earth Shock, Lava Lash
Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst:
In relation to the Flame Shock from our cycling Lava Lash and Earth Shock Macro above here is the Lightning Bolt/Lava Burst Macro.#showtooltip
/cast [button:2][modifier:shift] Lava Burst
/cast Lightning Bolt
/cast [button:2][modifier:shift] Lava Burst
/cast Lightning Bolt
Ghost Wolf Macro:
#showtooltip Ghost Wolf
/cast [nostance,nomounted,nobutton:2] Ghost Wolf
/use [nostance,nocombat,nomounted,noflyable,button:2][modifier:shift] Raven Lord; [nostance,nocombat,button:2] Plagued Proto-Drake
/dismount [mounted]
/cancelform [stance]
/cast [nostance,nomounted,nobutton:2] Ghost Wolf
/use [nostance,nocombat,nomounted,noflyable,button:2][modifier:shift] Raven Lord; [nostance,nocombat,button:2] Plagued Proto-Drake
/dismount [mounted]
/cancelform [stance]
Windfury. Flame Tongue, Frost Brand and Earthliving Weapon
/cast [modifier:shift][button:2] Flametongue Weapon;[nomodifier] Windfury Weapon; [modifier:alt] Frostbrand Weapon; [modifier:ctrl] Earthliving Weapon
/cast [modifier:shift][button:2] Flametongue Weapon;[nomodifier] Windfury Weapon; [modifier:alt] Frostbrand Weapon; [modifier:ctrl] Earthliving Weapon
Totem Macro
/castsequence reset=combat\shift\6 Strength of Earth Totem, Windfury Totem, Magma Totem, Mana Spring Totem
/castsequence reset=combat\shift\6 Strength of Earth Totem, Windfury Totem, Magma Totem, Mana Spring Totem
~Anti-Spell Combo
/cast Wind Shear
/cast Purge
~One Button Weapon Enchants
/use [nomod] Windfury Weapon; [mod:alt] Rockbiter Weapon; [mod:ctrl] Flametongue Weapon; [mod:shift] Frostbrand Weapon
- No Modifier: Windfury Weapon
- Alt: Rockbiter Weapon
- Ctrl: Flametongue Weapon
- Shift: Frostbrand Weapon
/cast [harm] Lightning Bolt; [help] Healing Wave
#showtooltip Healing Wave
/cast [harm, nodead] Lightning Bolt; [help, nodead] [@player] Healing Wave
/cast [mod:alt, @player] Healing Wave; [help, nodead] Healing Wave; [harm, nodead] Lightning Bolt; [@player] Healing Wave
/cast [nocombat, dead, help] Ancestral Spirit; [mod:alt, @player] [help, nodead] Healing Wave; [harm, nodead] Lightning Bolt; [@player] Healing Wave
~One Button Fire totem and Nova
#showtooltip Fire Nova(Rank 7)
/cast [modifier:shift] Magma Totem(Rank 5), Fire Nova(Rank 7)
#showtooltip Fire Nova(Rank 7)
/castsequence reset=combat/20 Magma Totem(Rank 5), Fire Nova(Rank 7)
/cast [modifier:shift]Magma Totem(Rank 5)
~Mount Or Wolf
/cast [stance][combat,nomounted][button:2] Ghost Wolf;Mount Name
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [combat,nomounted][modifier:shift] Ghost Wolf;[flyable] Swift Red Wind Rider; Black War Raptor
/dismount [mounted]
#showtooltip Reincarnation
~Shock Cycling
/castsequence reset=combat/target/12 Flame Shock, Earth Shock
/startattack [harm]
Elemental Macros
PvE Burst ![Edit href=]()
#showtooltip Elemental Mastery /use 13 /use 10 /cast Blood Fury /cast Berserking /cast Elemental Mastery /cast Lightning Bolt
Focus Interupt ![Edit href=]()
#showtooltip Wind Shear /dismount /stopcasting /cast [target=focus , exists] Wind Shear /cast Wind Shear /cast Lightning Bolt
Aerial Combat
#showtooltip Elemental Mastery
/use 15
/use 10
/cast Blood Fury
/castsequence reset=60 Elemental Mastery, Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Thunderstorm
Restoration Macros~Cure or purge?
/cast [@mouseover,help] Cleanse Spirit ; [@mouseover,harm][harm,nodead] Purge ; [help,nodead] Cleanse Spirit
#showtooltip Healingspell
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists] [target=target,help,nodead] [target=targettarget,help,nodead] [target=player] Healingspell
~Instant cast, high crit heal
#showtooltip Healing Wave
/p Blowing all cooldowns.
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast Tidal Force
/cast Healing Wave
Hamgiin anhniih ni shv :D From Dexarlex
ReplyDeleteюу ч ойлгохгүй бна.macro гэж яадаг юм бэ? зүгээр ийм юм биччихээр 1lvl-тэй бхдаа ч аймар хүчтэй цохойд бдаг юмуу? жоохон дэлгэрэнгүй тайлбарлаач?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeleteYalaa gj 1 lvl tei hun huchtei tsohihov de. hamgiin engiineer tailbarlahad neg tovchluuraar olon skill l hiine gsen ug dee
ReplyDelete~~Druids~~vnendee bol bi macro bichix durgue zalhuutai bdin gehdee yhw amarhan-r ni war-h iig bich chie
/cast Shield Block
/cast Shield Wall
/cast Battle Shout(Rank 9)
/cast Bloodrage
/cast Commanding Shout(Rank 3)
/cast Bloodrage
#showtooltip Charge(Rank 3)
/equip [Item Twohand]
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Charge(Rank 3)
/cast Blood Fury(Racial)
/cast Heroic Throw
/cast Hamstring
/cast Piercing Howl
/cast Bladestorm
/cast Sweeping Strikes
#showtooltip Intercept
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Recklessness
/cast Intercept
/equip Relentless Gladiator's Sunderer
#showtooltip Intervene
/cast defensive stance
/cast Intervene
/equipslot 16 [Item One hand]
/equip [item shield]
zurag ntree oorsdo songono biz meddeg ni medne bh gehde medku ni surna biz ~~Druids~~
(")_(") bas iim huurhun dvrs gargadag macro :P
nuguu fuck lol ntr ged tomoor gargadag macro meddeg hvn bna u zaaj uguuch
ReplyDeletePaladinii macra oruulaad ogooch
ReplyDeleteaan paladin bol mash amarhan tgj bgad nar garah leer oruulie :))
ReplyDeleteoilgohgue bga neg ni iishe orj oilgono yy
ReplyDeletebas addon hiaj bgan neg ni ii she or no yy
ReplyDeleteEnhacement shaman macro oruulaad uguuch.
ReplyDeleteнадад LichKing ийн макро нтр гх2